Category Archives: crisis response

Analyzing Five Commonly Held Beliefs about Managing 2.0 Crises

Crisis managers prefer to operate within established protocols, rules, laws and beliefs.  Therefore, it’s not surprising these have already been established in the nascent area of 2.0 crises – those that erupt online.  However, the online networking space is changing so fast it’s prudent if we didn’t etch our beliefs in stone just yet.

This is the underpinning of my article in the current issue (Winter 2010) of The Public Relations Strategist, one of the official publications of PRSA.  My intent is not to be contrarian, but rather to be more complete.  The full article is available through the link above, and a PDF copy is also available here — “Sudden Impact: An analysis of five commonly held beliefs about crises that erupt online” — and also in the Articles and Links section of this Web site.

In case you want the Cliffs Notes summary:

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Desert-Island Crisis Tool

Remember when radio stations would ask for the title of your “desert-island disc” to help you survive if stranded?  (Remember radio stations?  Or, for that matter, discs?)

Over the years, I’ve been asked the same about crisis management – is there one tool that I favor over all the others? 

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