Tag Archives: site mission

Welcome — Site Mission and Rules

Welcome to my blog on crisis management and communications (media) coaching. 

My mission:  

  • On the blog — share my expertise, offer opinions, elicit dialogue and encourage constructive debate on both subjects.
  • On subsequent pages of the Web site — provide a repository of helpful tools on both subjects. 

RulesI am going to try to live within a few self-imposed rules for this site:

Brevity —  I will attempt to keep blog posts brief and impactful.  “Articles” and “white papers” of relevance may be posted elsewhere on this Web site, but not on this blog.

Discipline — I have no intention of “armchair quarterbacking” on a specific crisis currently happening to a company or brand.  If I’m not working on the crisis, I cannot offer a reasonable judgment — there is too much unavailable information that must be considered.  (I remain amazed at how many crisis professionals have no such discretion.)  However, if a current crisis raises industry-wide or general questions or insights, so be it.

Values — I have been very fortunate in my career to support  “bad things happening to good companies” and my viewpoints will likely reflect that experience.   I believe that good crisis communications should offer persuasion, never illusion.  “Spin” should never be considered by an experienced crisis manager.

Comment Relevance — I’ll err on the side of transparency with visitor comments.  However, I’ll reserve the right to delete if:

—  Comments are off-topic or derogatory

—  Comments (inadvertently or pointedly) could raise a conflict-of-interest for me or my agency

I may modify this mission and these rules along the way.  If so, I’ll post reasons why elsewhere, and I will edit this first “sticky” post to keep things organized.

Enjoy and let me know if you have any feedback.  You can use the form through the Contact / Ask tab  above or click “comments” below.